Coldfusion Javascript Friendly Query to Array function.

Ben Nadel posted a simple query to Array function that made an update to and thought I would share.
Original: Converting a Query to an Array

component {
 * Description: 
 *		Convert a coldfusion query to a JSON array of structures.		
 *		Adapted from:
 * Input: 
 * 	Query
 * Output:
 * 	Array
	public array function queryToArray( any q ) {
		var QtA = StructNew();
		if( isQuery( q ) ) {
			QtA.Columns = ListToArray( ARGUMENTS.qry.ColumnList );
			QtA.qry = q;
		} else {
			QtA.Columns = ListToArray( q.getPrefix().COLUMNLIST );
			QtA.qry = q.getResult();

		// Create an array that will hold the query equivalent.
		QtA.QueryArray = ArrayNew( 1 );
		// Loop over the query.
		for (QtA.RowIndex = 1 ; QtA.RowIndex LTE QtA.qry.RecordCount ; QtA.RowIndex = (QtA.RowIndex + 1)){
			QtA.Row = StructNew();

			// Loop over the columns in this row.
			for (QtA.ColumnIndex = 1 ; QtA.ColumnIndex LTE ArrayLen( QtA.Columns ) ; QtA.ColumnIndex = (QtA.ColumnIndex + 1)){

				// Get a reference to the query column.
				QtA.ColumnName = lcase( QtA.Columns[ QtA.ColumnIndex ] );

				// Store the query cell value into the struct by key.
				StructInsert( QtA.Row, QtA.ColumnName, QtA.Qry[ QtA.ColumnName ][ QtA.RowIndex ] );
			// Add the structure to the query array.
			ArrayAppend( QtA.QueryArray, QtA.Row );
	// Return the array equivalent.
	return( QtA.QueryArray );

Basic I changed the way that the structure is built to be able to control the variable's case. Thus making this version javascript friendly.